Friday, April 1, 2022

April Fool's Day 2022


April Fool's Day, the coming of Spring, the beginning of Ramadan, a few weeks before Passover and Easter: a good time to repost this brief summary of one of the goals of quantum tantra: a brand new more intimate way of experiencing Nature that might someday replace science, religion, philosophy and common sense.

I wanna wham Momma Nature in a warm, wet dream
Wanna strum Her Pond, palpitate Her Stream
Wanna feel Her quiver like a tambourine
Wanna hear Her E equals MC scream!


  1. Hey! Hey! & up she rises!!

  2. That's how I feel, although here in south Germany, in one of the warmest cities here, it has been snowing the last two days. Two days ago we had a Sahara, with the winds from that African desert peppering the city with a coating of tan colored sand that is hard to wash off. Go figure. Hope you are all right and no wildfires lurk around. Miss you and Boulder Creek and all your wonderful neighbors. How is Russell?

  3. Nick- Nothing like that surge of sap in the spring. Our Dutch iris appreciate the sentiment.

  4. The fundamental law of men:

    The angle of the dangle is equal to the heat of the meat times the mass of the ass.

    It's good to know you're waking up with a little heat in the meat, Nick!

    Spawn till you die, rinse, repeat!

    I saw this digital artists work recently and thought you might enjoy it, if you are not already aware. His name is Sean Capone and he does some really crazy stuff! He has an installation that plays on the digital wall at the Los Angeles Library called Tidal SimPhony, but I can't seem to find it on his website! Anyway, his public installations are really quite nice, all videos (check out his 32 motion paintings).
