Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Quantum Tantra Blog!


This day marks the second anniversary of Quantum Tantra blog. It's been a busy year which saw the publication of a baker's dozen of Nick's love poems to Mother Nature, as well as the publication of more hot poetry from muse-inspired friends in my own community and the wider world including bard-master supreme D. H. Lawrence.

This year also witnessed the production of a handful of short videos including a two-minute Wagnerian opera (URGE: a short opera about reality) released on Valentine's Day 2010 plus a cartoon animation (Benjamin Bunny Faces Reality) by the late Randy Hamm about the reality behind quantum mechanics. Also the performance of our Irish session band at Santa Cruz lawyer Patrick Reilly's St Patrick's Day party was captured on video.

I am a compulsive reader and have chosen here among the dozens I have devoured this year a few books that merit special attention including my own Quantum Reality-- to which Amazon reviewers have awarded 4-1/2 stars as the book that explains the world's quantum mysteries more clearly than any other book in the world. For every copy sold, a buck goes to the Quantum Tantra Ashram to keep my pantry stocked with meat, Guinness and cat food.

Speaking of quantum physics, last year I happened upon a new law of nature--the quantum no-wedding theorem. And this year My Sweetheart Muse gave me a great birthday gift, called NICK'S THEOREM, that puts quantitative limits on psychic powers--the first instance, to my knowledge, that physics concepts have been used to constrain the powers of the mind. Also in the physics realm, I describe here Four Preposterous Devices which purport to bridge the elusive border twixt mind and matter using concepts imported from quantum physics.

Sadly, a number of deaths occurred this year. In QT blog, I publicized a few, left others for private mourning. Persons memorialized here include my good friend and explorer Earl Crockett (1938-2010); George Leonard (1923-2010), chief mainstay of Esalen Institute, and my wonderful late wife Betsy Rose Rasumny (1938-2002). The departure from the physical plane of these three individuals has left holes that nobody can ever fill.

On a happier note I was pleased to congratulate friend and colleague, John Clauser, on his being awarded the Wolf Prize for experimental work on quantum entanglement. Recently the New York Times featured gym buddy Bruce Damer in its tech pages for his development of the EvoGrid, a massively parallel computer simulation of artificial life. Also this blog was able to recount two of the exploits of the notorious Ferdinand Feghoot: One. Two.

Also appearing this year is the story of Nick & Betsy's move to Boulder Creek more than two decades ago; Scientific American columnist (1914-2010) Martin Gardner's classic essay "Is Realism a Dirty Word?"; a series of mathematical postage stamps "Ten Equations That Changed the World"; the most recent upgrade of my "Tantric Table of the Elements" and a short photo essay by Reno DeCaro: "Egad! It's an iPad!"

A few of the quantum tantra high points of the past year are cataloged below. If you find this sort of thing entertaining, educational and/or enlightening, I encourage you to browse the site for more posts in the same style.

Happy Second Birthday, Quantum Tantra Blog! (Loud cheers. Free intoxicants. Wild music. Frenzied dancing. Fireworks. Speaking in tongues.) Thank you all for coming. Now to suitably kick off Quantum Tantra Blog's Year Three, I intend to publish next something really special: Nick's Nobel Prize acceptance speech. Happy New Year, Quantum Tantra Blog! (Deafening smashing of preconceptions and the beginning of a new era of human relations with the Universe.)

1. What Do Men Want?
2. Natura Naturans
3.Harlot Nature
4. Jabir Meets Earth's Underlords
5. Hanukkah Song
6. Elements of Tantra
7. Meta-docs on Duty
8. Submit to Walt
9. Praise to Ichthos
10. LSD is the Hubble
11. 99 Names of Goddess
12. The New Sex Robot
13. Lifting the Veil of a New Sensual Science
plus bonus link to an older broadside called Jailbait.

The Day the Saucers Came by Neil Gaiman
The Man Who Fell for the Universe by Len Anderson
Eyes by Bonnie Eskie
In These Five Remaining Days by Kathleen Flowers
Boulder Creek BistroScene Era (1992-2007)
Whoreson Crawl by Ladislaw Tzestrczyk (aka John Greeley)
The Joyce of Hemp by Walt Bachrach
Antarctica by Patti Sirens
O Taste and See by Denise Levertov
Moonrise by D. H. Lawrence

URGE: a short opera about reality
Benjamin Bunny Faces Reality
St Paddy's Day Session Band
A is For Allah by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)
Tantric Jihad! the Video
Just Like at Nuremberg by Rico Youngblood
Quantum Tantra by Kelly Evans

Time Slave by John Norman
Women by Charles Bukowski
Quicksilver by Neil Stephenson
The Age of Entanglement by Louisa Gilder
Quantum Reality by Nick Herbert


  1. Happy Birthday, Quantum Tantra Blog... Happy, Happy!!!

  2. Happy BDay you wild and quantum guy!
