Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mayday Play 2014

The first day of spring in the Celtic calendar is Beltane (May 1) when pagan rituals used to be performed to increase the fertility of the fields, the family and the livestock. In many cultures the maypole is erected and ribbons wound around it by dancing men and women to honor Nature's generative force. In keeping with this fertility theme May also hosts Mother's Day and the Catholic Church dedicates this whole month to the Mother of God, adorning Mary's statues with flowered wreaths and garlands.

Doing our part to celebrate Beltane, Mary-month and Mother's Day, August O' Connor and I took our instruments to "trapezoid park" in Capitola and played a few Irish tunes to the coyote bushes, the California poppies, the hummingbirds, crows, ravens and the occasional passing human being.


crunchymama said...

remind me please of the name of that last tune

nick herbert said...

"Saint Anne's Reel". momma. As you probably know, Saint Anne was the mother of Mary, so she's jesus's grandmother.

Unknown said...

Just came upon your site Dr Herbert. Think I will be spending some time here familiarising myself with your writings. I might not understand everything but, by God, I'm going to enjoy reading all about it.


Graeme Thomson

Unknown said...

On reflection, I think it is worth explaining how I got here. My interest was piqued by this article.

That, after a few searches, took me to Bell's Theorem, Spooky actions and Voodoo Reality.

And then to your writings, which tie together many of the perceptual strands I try to grapple with at a layman's level.

I read one of Richard Feynman's books many years ago and the thing that jumped out at me was that simplification is a key concept in mathematics and in other fields, such as engineering.

This was further linked to the concept of tolerance, whereby a joiner or an engineer will measure something accurately to within a certain parameter.

I came away with the impression that simplicity is a defining concept of reality.

Along with the complicated issue of paradox.

I reckon you are closer than most to "understanding" our shared/individual reality.

nick herbert said...

For me the most remarkable feature of quantum reality is how nature effortlessly unites opposites -- such as wave: particle, determinism: randomness, locality: non-locality, possibility: actuality in a single phenomenon--quite a subtly beautiful juggling act. Plus the fact, emphasized by Heisenberg, that we know all the math but still can't describe "what's really happening" at the quantum level. Nature is a splendid magician!

AliceInBondageLand said...

Wow, I came here to get inspired by the music and then got totally re-inspired by the amazing mini-conversation going on in the comments section.

Sending love and sexy vibes!