TOUCHING THE NEW SCIENCE Suppose that the way I experience my own body could be a new way of knowing the world. Widen the area of contact Says Linda Aikido guru Practice irimi, the entering art That's what you most need to do. Could I feel my way into physical Nature And enter the world of the wordless? Use sense of touch to palpate Her lovely quantum absurdness? Now that I've chosen My mode of flirtation The next biggest question is How: How can studious Nick Learn a Heisenberg trick And sink up to his elbows in Tao? What skill do I most need to master To sense Mother Nature as Frau? Show me what I lack much To do real quantum touch. Sweet Muse, don't fail me now.
Physicist, author, father, explorer. NICK HERBERT is the author of three popular physics books Quantum Reality, Faster Than Light and Elemental Mind. He played a prominent oart in the early Boulder Creek BistroScene poetry movement which resulted in two chapbooks Physics on All Fours and Harlot Nature. Nick was the Fringe Science editor for Berkeley-based Mondo 2000 and is featured in David Jay Brown's Mavericks of the Mind and David Kaiser's How the Hippies Saved Physics.