We hold these truths to be self-evident:
This immediate non-symbolic experience
of Nature from inside;
That the Universe is filled
with billions of invisible minds;
That each sentient creature
lives equally close to the Mystery;
That Deep Reality is waiting
for one of us to ask the right question.
Jabir's Four Postulates
We will take off our shoes and our stockings
This immediate non-symbolic experience
of Nature from inside;
That the Universe is filled
with billions of invisible minds;
That each sentient creature
lives equally close to the Mystery;
That Deep Reality is waiting
for one of us to ask the right question.
Jabir's Four Postulates
We will take off our shoes and our stockings
And wade barefoot into the sea.
We will take off our clothing
We will remove our skins
Using drugs and physics
We will open our minds
To connect with Nature directly.
Goodbye Gods and Goddesses
All the world's religions
Mere warmup
For this deeper way of Worship.
Goodbye Galileo and Gell-Mann
Centuries of math & physics
Mere foreplay
For this deeper way of Knowing.
Why do you continue
Reading old love letters
When She is present
Naked and willing
Naked and willing
Here beside you?
We will turn away from symbols
And embrace Her Body directly.
We will rip off
The confining condom of language
And enter Reality wide open.
We will rip off
The confining condom of language
And take in Nature bare.
We will take off our shoes and our stockings
We will take off our clothing
We will open our eyes, our hearts and our minds.
We will take one deep breath, one look back
And wade naked and barefoot into the sea.
Welcome the noosphere!
Thank you for this beautiful statement of reality. It made my day.
Leane Roffey Line, PhD
Right on Nick!!
You are a true Ecosexual! Spring is here an I'm betwixt and between Contemplative and Primal.
Great reading your bloog post
I find this perspective on science and reality quite inspiring.
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