Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Doomsday

Nick with Magnetron--Kim Fulton-Bennett 2012


Warmest Telepathic Greetings
To all sentient lifeforms!

Every sufficiently advanced culture
Celebrates that day
When they first made contact
With the heartful MindForms
That dwell inside all Matter.
Old tribalists obsessed with hate and swindlehoax
Resisted Deep Meeting as a kind of Doomsday--
Catastrophic to their petty dreams of conquest.
For the rest of us it opened the Universe
To joyous brotherly and sisterly exploration.
May Earth experience this Opening soon:
Far too long have humans lived alone.

This was the day we discovered the Door
That is open to all from the Start.
This was the day we traded in War
In exchange for a wide-open Heart.

This was the day everybody grew up
And put aside the toys of a child--
The day when we tore off our diapers
And entangled our lives with the Wild.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Thought You Said

I thought you said this was "just pot".

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

No Holocaust/No Big Bang

Omega Nebula M 17

For Valentine's Day, Quantum Tantra Blog presents a male/female, call/response, thrust/parry, take/give between Nick Herbert (aka Doctor Jabir) and Lynda Williams (aka the Physics Chanteuse). Some time ago Nick sent out No Holocaust which inspired Lynda to respond with No Big Bang. We hope you enjoy this newly edited version of Nick and Lynda's tussle over the Two Big Truths.

Happy Saint Valentine's Day 2012!


No holocaust

Greater than mine.

In my ovens

All lifeforms perish.

In my grip

All species go extinct.

I am Durga.

I am Kali.

I am Coatlicue

The Eater of Souls.

No living being escapes 

My Final Solution.

Negro, nazi, gentile, jew

I choose you
I choose you

No holocaust

Greater than mine.

I am Death:
Your equal-opportunity 


Heart Nebula IC 1805


No Big Bang

Greater than mine.

In my snatch

All lifeforms are born.

In my oven

All species evolve.

I am Adam.

I am Eve.

I am Shakti

The Laborer of Souls.

All living beings come

In My Final Solution
Fowl, beast, burden, human

I love you
I love you

No Big Bang

Greater than mine
I am Life:
Your equal-opportunity 


Monday, February 6, 2012

First Contact


To open ourselves to pleasure:
It's what the aliens want to teach us
For who would wish telepathic contact
     with a world of whiners?

Aliens call Earth
"Planet of the Hates"
We are so bitter, so backwards
so cruel and filled with pain.

All acts of love and pleasure
Are invitations to alien contact.
Are you ready to merge
     with the Neighboring Other?
Have you freed yourself from malice?
Have you made your mind
     a splendid pleasure dome?
Have you adorned yourself as bridegroom?
Have you adorned yourself as temple prostitute
offering your golden body 
to strangers from the stars?

Are you ready to merge
     with the Neighboring Other?
Have you made your mind a worthy playground
for beings with superior notions of play?
What substances have you ingested
to make your mind receptive
to unearthly forms of enjoyment?

Are you prepared to surrender your mind
to alien pleasure transmissions?
Are you prepared to surrender your body
to an otherworldly physics of orgasm?

All acts of love and pleasure
Are invitations to alien contact.
Are you ready to join the Galactic Club?
They are opening their warm arms
Their sticky tentacles
Their moist fur-lined cavities
To Earth's uniquely beautiful males and females.

They know what they want;
They made the first move
They have touched us gently so as not to frighten.
They are open and yearning for contact.
What then holds you back
from joining the Galactic Dance?
What then holds you back
from wholeheartedly embracing
      the beckoning Cosmos?